Terms and Conditions


You must be 18 years of age or older to book an experience with Salty Summer Soul, LLC. Any minors that take part in an experience must be accompanied by an adult. 


Bookings may be made through our online booking system. Note that a booking is not confirmed, and there is no contract between us until we confirm your booking


Payments are to be received in full upon booking unless arrangements have been agreed to by Salty Summer Soul LLC.


Cancellations made by Salty Summer Soul, LLC: In the event it becomes necessary due to safety, weather or other circumstance beyond YOUR control to cancel your booking we will let you know as soon as possible. In these circumstances, SALTY SUMMER SOUL will extend the option to reschedule or a credit equal to the payment amount rendered to be applied to a future booking.

Cancellations made by you: If you decide to cancel your reservation, the following terms apply:

Salty Summer Soul can offer you a full refund if you cancel 48 hours or more before your start time.  Meaning if you scheduled your experience for Friday at 10am, then you have until 10 am the Wednesday before to cancel and receive a full refund.  If your cancellation is LESS THAN 48 HOURS but before the 24 hour mark you will receive a refund minus a $50 cancellation fee.  If your cancellation is LESS THAN 24 HOURS we can offer you a reschedule date or a credit for future use.  NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN AFTER THE 24 HOUR MARK.


You agree to leave the beach lounge in clean, undamaged condition to avoid any additional charges for repair, maintenance or replacement. Customer accepts use of the equipment, AS IS, in good condition and accepts full responsibility for care of the equipment while under his/her possession. Damaged parts or components will be repaired/replaced at the discretion of the Salty Summer Soul team and customer agrees to pay retail prices for components replaced or repaired. Clean condition means normal wear and tear is accepted but does not include tears, stains, water damage, broken parts or damages to any parts caused by accidents.

You agree to provide Salty Summer Soul, with credit card details, for damages:

By agreeing to these terms, I authorize Salty Summer Soul to charge the credit card provided for all eventual costs in case of damages to any gear during my rental period, comprehensive of labor, except in the case that I can demonstrate other’s faults with evidence and all necessary information for reimbursement. In case of theft, I will be responsible for reimbursing Salty Summer Soul for the retail price of the items stolen. In case of exceeding guest limits or negative press, I will be responsible for paying Salty Summer Soul the fines outlined above.


SALTY SUMMER SOUL, LLC (“Company”) has developed a beach lounge (“Product”) and offers experiences relating to the beach lounge (“Program”).

I hereby acknowledge, and agree as follows:

Assumption of Risk: I am aware of and acknowledge that there are risks of injury, illness, death and property damage inherent to participating, to traveling, and specifically to the Product and Program. I am also aware that all such risks may result from, among other causes, the active or passive negligence of Company and its employees, owners, operators, officers, independent contractors, representatives, agents and successors and Licensor and its employees (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Releasees”). I am voluntary allowing myself to use the product and engage in the activities that may be offered on this Program with knowledge that the risk of injury, illness, death or property damage, and other associated risks, and assume any and all known and unknown risks of injury, illness, communicable illness, death, and property damage that may result from my using the Product and participating in the Program activities. I further assume all risks associated with my participation in the Product and Program including, without limitation, the risks of negligence or recklessness or failure to act, by me or by other participants or other individuals or parties, the risks associated with gathering as it relates to illness, communicable illness, and the risk of injury caused by the condition of any property, facility or transportation used during the Program.

I understand and acknowledge that the above list is not complete or exhaustive and that other risks, known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated may also exist and result in injury, illness, disease, death or damage. I expressly agree to be responsible for my own welfare and fully assume all of the above risks, as well as other risks set forth in this agreement, both known and unknown, voluntarily and knowingly, to the fullest extent permitted by law.

Release of Liability: To the fullest extent permitted by law, I, voluntarily and without reservation, and realizing the full legal significance of my action, hereby EXPRESSLY WAIVE, RENOUNCE, AND RELEASE, on behalf of myself, my spouse or domestic partner whichever the case may be, me heirs, my representative, my successors and assigns, and my estate, all claims, demands, rights, or causes of action of whatever or whatever nature against the Releasees, including by not limited to claims of any injury, illness, loss, damage, accident, delay, irregularity or expense caused by strikes, war or acts of terrorism, weather, sickness, quarantine, government restrictions, or arising from any act or omission of an airline, bus company, hotel, tour operator or supplier of travel services in connection with the above-referenced Product and Program. Further, I accept personal responsibility for any injury (including personal injury, disability, death), illness, damage, loss, claim, liability or expense, of any kind or nature that I or my property may suffer and I agree to release the Releasees from any and all liability arising from such risks.

I AGREE THAT THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT SHALL SERVE AS A COMPLETE RELEASE AND EXPRESS ASSUMPTION OF RISK for myself, all members of my family, my heirs, as well as my next of kin, successors, assigns, and legal and personal representatives. It is my intention to fully assume risk associated with the Product and Program to release the Releasors from any and all liability to the maximum extent permitted by law. 

Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I expressly understand that Releasees are providing no, or only limited, chaperones or supervision with respect to this the Product and Program and that I am responsible for my individual conduct, health and safety at all times. I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees for all demands, costs, losses, expenses, claims, recoveries, judgements and liabilities (including attorneys’ fees) of any nature arising out of, or in consequence of, my acts, words, conduct, etc. in any way connected with my participation on the Product and Program including, but not limited to, damage to property, ant injuries or death sustained by any person(s), including myself.

Choice of Law, Binding Agreement, Enforceability: I agree that this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New Jersey, that any lawsuit related to the terms of this agreement must be filed in New Jersey, and that I shall submit to said jurisdiction and waive any objection to venue. I agree that this agreement is a legally binding agreement and it is my intent that it be constructed broadly to provide a release and waiver to the maximum extent permissible under the agreement shall remain in full force and effect and in no way be impaired.

Knowing and Voluntary Execution: I acknowledge that I have read this agreement, I understand that this agreement includes an assumption of risk of the Releasees’ negligence and ability. I acknowledge that the Releasees are materially relying on this waiver and are allowing my participation in the Program due to its existence.


Any guests who attend an event with a photographer who wish not to be photographed must inform the Salty Summer Soul team in writing in advance. Photographs may be used for Salty Summer Soul website, social media and other marketing purposes at the sole discretion of Salty Summer Soul, LLC. Salty Summer Soul, LLC is not responsible for internet circulation of images by outside outlets.

I have read and understand all of the above conditions and, having signed up for this program, I agree to be bound by them.